Photos from Cappadocia

These photos are a collection of beautiful places one can find in Cappadocia.
Some are taken by myself, some are taken by friends, some are copied from a variety of sources (other web sites, CDs, books)...

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old potter Kalburlu church Soğanlı mosaic contest
old potter at work
in Avanos
Kalburlu Church Soğanlı Roman mosaic
near Şahinefendi
singers contest winner of 1908 in Greek, Cemil [RN]
Taşkınpaşa Develi Tomarza Germir Gesi
Taşkınpaşa [RN] old houses,
Develi [RN]
Tomarza [RN]
old house,
Germir [RN]
view of Gesi (Efkere)
Gesi Kayabağ Kayabağ Yeşilhisar Aladağlar
Armenian church,
Gesi (Efkere) [RN]
door, Kayabağ
church, Kayabağ [RN] house in Yeşilhisar [RN] Aladağlar mountains
Konaklı church Konaklı church Konaklı church Map of Cappadocia Açıksaray
Greek church in Konaklı (Misti) [RN] detail of church (built 1844) detail of church map of Cappadocia Açıksaray, Gülşehir
[by MG]
Avanos from balloon Kizilirmak near Avanos Karain Göreme House in Sinasos
Avanos seen from a balloon Kızılırmak near Avanos [by LM] Karain [by LM] Göreme [by LM] House in Sinasos
market in Özkonak Ürgüp      
market in Özkonak

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Photos by:
AÖ: Ahmet Özyurt
İÖ: İrfan Ölmez
JCM Jørgen Christian Meyer
LM:  Lars-Eric Möre
MG:  Murat E. Gülyaz
PV Petr Vodicka
RN: Roman Neumüller
ŞG: Ş. Güner
GB: Gertrude Bell,
photos taken around 1909, see also the Gertrude Bell Project

If there are any photographers missing by name or do not want to appear on these pages,
please tell me under contact at