Why Cappadocia ?
Photos of Avanos
Panoramas photos
Sultan Sazl reedfield
Road map of Cappadocia
SVG road map
Simple road map
Armenian map
Greek map
Satellite images
Topography (computerized)
Nightlights of Turkey
Water in Cappadocia
Sultan Sazl reedfield
Animals of Cappadocia
Plants of Cappadocia
Geology of Cappadocia
Various files concerning Cappadocia


Kizilirmak The name katpatuka is the old persian name for Cappadocia - meaning probably land of beautiful horses.

Kzlrmak is the river of Cappadocia - giving life to many frogs in summertime and tasty fish all year round. Erciyes is the volcano which built the landscape of Cappadocia.

If you intend to make a tour to Cappadocia, then you should plan to stay more than only three days! There is a lot one can visit in this region: underground cities, cave churches, beautiful valleys, old greek and armenian houses and of course bars, discos and restaurants. The best time to be here is actually Mart till June because then it's green everywhere with a lot of flowers flourishing and it isn't yet that hot and overcrowded as in July and August... - or com in September / October: harvest time!

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last updated: Sat Jul 10 12:14:23 2010
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